113- A couple of 113s with luggage racks that I hadn't seen before. 113s in a war in 2004. Gotta love it. 94th- The 94th MP Co, Londonderry NH. Taken at Scania. Approaching Scania- Scania takes over a chunk of MSR Tampa. I love that clearing policy- If they don't want me to pull the trigger, then they must not have any confidence in my clearing skills. If they don't think I've cleared it properly and don't want to check with a trigger pull, then why bother having me clear it at all? Belt monkey- SPC Frost of 1/107 FA brought his assistaint gunner for this mission. Bridge out- The natives have been restless as hell lately. Camels- What would road trip pictures from here be without a couple shots of camels? Career regression- Someone's having a bad year. Charlie company- C-3/172 INF (Mountain), Manchester, NH. ILO MP. Checkpoint- The Marines took over this checkpoint and just edited the sign instead of replacing it. Compound- I don't know what it used to be, but it looks like the Air Force rennovated it. Convoy- All the dotted lines in the world can't make the locals stay in line. Cornfield- I have trouble believing that Baghdad is in the same country that I'm in. Cows- I had more problems with these. Dirt- there's a huge stratch of Tampa that's just completely gone. They've been repaving it, but they've got a lot of work to do still. Driving south- Through a paved part of the dirt section. Earth Movers- It's the middle of the day on a Tuesday. Get out there and get some work done, guys! Entering Cedar- The turnoff to Cedar 2. I've never heard of a base called Cedar or Cedar 1, just Cedar 2. Euphrates- Crossing it going north. Exit sign- Now that Cedar 2 doesn't take over a stretch of highway any more, we need directions. Hazen- Manning the gun going north. Hazen, Daniel- On the bridge at Brigade. Highway- Yep, Baghdad's a pretty place. Highway tower- Where third world traffic cops used to live. Inside Scania- Tents and graffitti, and the trucks that feed the fuel point. Kids- you just can't get away from them. Leaving Scania- Apparently the 428th MPs stopped here on their way back to Baghdad. MPs- MPs don't escort real units. Transportation companies get left on their own. Rest area- They always stop on the side of the road, but I've never seen anyone stopped at one of these. Road sign- Those symbols on the barrier are MP language to describe a road's capacity- weight, turning radius, etc. Scania trucker- They're waiting for their convoys to leave. Sludge- At Scania. In March there was a "Keep Iraq Beautiful" sign in it. I wanted a high res picture of it, but it's gone. This whole trip was wasted for me. Stansfield- Driving north and at brigade. Structure- Large buildings near Cedar 2. I'm not sure. It's outside Talil. Trucker- At Scania. Lesson 1: Make sure your brake hoses are connected properly.